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Dangerous bacteria in the mouth: an invisible threat

When we think of our oral health, terms such as tooth decay or gingivitis usually spring to mind. However, these common problems often conceal an underestimated danger: dangerous bacteria in the mouth. These tiny pathogens can have far-reaching effects on our overall health. In this blog post, you'll learn everything you need to know about these bacteria and how to prevent them!

Andrea Seraina Author
Andrea Seraina
Dental Content Specialist
12.12.20236 min. reading time

The role of bacteria in oral diseases

Our oral cavity is a complex ecosystem in which hundreds of species of bacteria coexist. While many of the oral bacteria are considered good bacteria and beneficial to our oral health, there are also bad bacteria, like Porphyromonas gingivalis and Streptococcus mutans, that can cause serious problems. Tooth decay, periodontal disease and gingivitis are just some of the diseases caused by these harmful bacteria. They feed on food debris between the teeth and in the gums, produce acids that attack the enamel and cause inflammation in the gums and periodontium.

These bacteria are not only responsible for the direct damage they cause, but also for the secondary effects they can trigger. For example, persistent bad breath can be an indication of an excessive accumulation of harmful bacteria. Furthermore, the long-term presence of these bacteria can put a strain on the immune system, which in turn can affect other areas of health. Interestingly, there is also evidence that changes in the composition of oral flora may be linked to systemic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. This emphasises the importance of maintaining a balance of microbes in the mouth and keeping harmful bacteria in check to promote not only dental health but also general health.

Oral hygiene: the key for a healthy mouth

Good oral hygiene plays a key role in the fight against harmful bacteria in the mouth. It's not just about keeping teeth clean, but also about maintaining the balance of oral flora and minimising the risk of gingivitis, tooth loss and periodontitis. Daily brushing, ideally after every meal, is essential to remove plaque and prevent the build-up of harmful microbes. Using a toothbrush with soft bristles protects the enamel and the sensitive oral mucosa, while toothpastes containing fluoride help to strengthen the enamel and prevent tooth decay. We recommend one of our ALPINE WHITE whitening toothpastes for this purpose, especially the anti-plaque variation, which effectively prevents plaque with natural ingredients.

Cleaning the spaces between the teeth should also not be underestimated. Here, dental floss and interdental brushes offer effective solutions to remove food debris and bacteria that accumulate in these hard-to-reach areas. These steps are particularly important as plaque often forms here, which can harden into tartar and lead to gum inflammation if not removed.

In addition to mechanical cleaning methods, mouthwashes play an important role. They can reach areas that brushes and threads cannot and provide additional protection against bacteria. Some mouthwashes contain antibacterial agents such as chlorhexidine, which helps to reduce the number of harmful bacteria in the mouth. However, such products should be used after consulting an expert and not as a permanent solution, as they can also affect the natural oral flora.

It is also important to adapt oral care to individual needs. People with sensitive gums, wearers of dentures or people with a weakened immune system may need special care products or techniques.

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Impact on the entire body

The effects of dangerous bacteria in the mouth are not limited to dental disease. Studies have shown that poor oral health is associated with a number of systemic health problems. For example, some mouth bacteria can enter the bloodstream and trigger inflammatory reactions throughout the body. There is evidence that poor oral hygiene can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke and even premature birth.

The importance of professional teeth cleaning

In addition to daily dental care, regular professional teeth cleaning is an indispensable part of the fight against harmful bacteria. While brushing your teeth at home mainly serves to remove plaque and food debris, professional teeth cleaning goes one step further. Not only are the visible tooth surfaces cleaned, but hard-to-reach areas such as the spaces between the teeth and the gums are also carefully treated.

Dental professionals use special instruments to effectively remove tartar - a hardened form of plaque that provides an ideal surface for bacterial growth. These professional procedures are crucial because tartar cannot be removed by daily brushing alone. In addition, during a professional cleaning, a detailed examination of the entire oral cavity, including the oral mucosa and gums, can be carried out. This comprehensive examination makes it possible to recognise early signs of problems such as gum disease or incipient periodontitis and take appropriate measures.

Regular professional teeth cleaning is also an opportunity to receive personalised advice and guidance on optimal oral hygiene. Dental hygienists can provide valuable tips on how to improve dental care at home, from the correct brushing technique to the effective use of dental floss and mouthwashes. These personalised recommendations are particularly important as every mouth is unique and has different care needs.

Innovative bacterial analysis with ALPINE WHITE

To combat the threat of harmful bacteria in the oral cavity even more effectively, ALPINE WHITE offers an innovative oral health analysis. This advanced analysis makes it possible to obtain a detailed picture of the bacterial composition in the oral cavity. By precisely identifying the types of bacteria present, specific risks for oral diseases can be better understood and targeted measures can be taken. This is particularly valuable as oral flora differs from person to person and therefore individualised solutions are required. The ALPINE WHITE oral health analysis not only helps to record the current conditions in the oral cavity, but also provides the basis for personalised advice and treatment. For example, if there is an increased risk of periodontitis or tooth decay, a personalised care routine can be recommended. This precise analysis is an important step towards holistic and personalised oral health care that goes far beyond conventional dental care and oral healthcheckups.

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