Dental hygiene
Regular professional dental cleaning is essential for a healthy mouth and beautiful teeth. Our specialized staff identifies signs of cavities early and prevents them.
- Personalised treatment
- Gum check & caries control
- Painless cleaning with AIRFLOW
Bundle Discount
Treatment procedure
Book an appointment
Fill out the health questionnaire in the app before your appointment. Your data is protected and will not be passed on to third parties.
The treatment will be tailored to you based on your individual starting point.
Arrive at the Studio 10 minutes before your appointment.
Personalise your treatment
Professional teeth cleaning
Keep teeth healthy
To keep your teeth healthy
We focus on your oral health. We recognise problems at an early stage and prevent costly interventions.
Advantages of our dental hygiene
Our aim with dental hygiene is to clean your teeth gently and painlessly, reduce discolouration and at the same time ensure the well-being of your overall oral health.
Classic DH
Effective tooth cleaning
Personalised for you
Detailed diagnosis
Results in the app
Price in CHF
A warm welcome
Your well-being is our priority. Experience a relaxing experience in our modern, minimalist studios. Enjoy the peaceful atmosphere while we take care of your teeth.
Health begins in the mouth
According to the 2018 Cochrane analysis, the mouth plays a central role in our health, which makes regular professional dental cleaning essential. In our Studio, we offer gentle, complete care for your teeth that not only increases your well-being, but also optimally protects your teeth.
Tailored to you
No matter what your needs are, we cater to them and ensure that dental hygiene is a pleasant experience for you. That's why we use the latest instruments and technologies. We can even repair cavities painlessly and without drilling - we will be happy to advise you.
Professional expertise and comfort
Your oral health is our absolute priority. Our dental medical staff undergo regular training to guarantee expertise in the quality and personalisation of your treatment.
Track your oral health
After your dental hygiene treatment, our app shows you the status of your oral health and gives you valuable tips and tricks for healthy teeth in the long term. Visit us regularly and track the changes in your mouth.
Personalise your treatment
Take your oral health to the next level.