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Gum recession: A comprehensive guide

Gum recession, also known as gingival recession, is a common problem that affects many people. It can lead to exposed necks of teeth that not only look unsightly, but can also damage the teeth. In this post, we discuss the causes of gingival recession and show you how best to prevent it.

Andrea Seraina Author
Andrea Seraina
Dental Content Specialist
10.08.20236 min. reading time
Alpine White, gum recession

Oral hygiene and gum recession: How lack of care affects gums

Gum recession, also called gingival atrophy, can be caused by a variety of factors. One of the most common causes is poor oral hygiene, which leads to tartar and plaque buildup. This plaque is a build-up of bacteria that can get stuck on your teeth and damage your gums, which are also called gingiva. If you don't remove these plaques regularly by brushing and flossing thoroughly, they can lead to gum inflammation known as gingivitis. If left untreated, gingivitis can lead to a more serious gum disease called periodontitis, which can damage the periodontium and gums and cause them to recede.

Other causes of gum recession

Another common cause of gum recession is overly aggressive dental hygiene. This can be caused by brushing your teeth too hard, using a toothbrush that is too hard or using the wrong brushing technique. These factors can damage the gums and lead to their recession. It is important to practice proper dental hygiene to keep the gums healthy. This includes gently brushing your teeth and interdental spaces with a soft toothbrush and flossing regularly. We recommend the ALPINE WHITE Toothbrush, which has soft bristles and an ergonomic design that cares for your gums effectively and gently.

Gum recession, which is often accompanied by bleeding gums, can also be caused by misaligned teeth and ill-fitting dental prostheses such as bridges and implants. In certain instances, oral piercings may also lead to gum recession, as they can irritate or damage the gum tissue. These can put pressure on the gums and cause them to recede. In addition, certain systemic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease, and certain medications can also cause gums to recede.

Nighttime teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, can also contribute to gum recession. If you suspect that you grind your teeth at night, you should discuss this with your dentist. There are special mouthguards you can wear at night to protect your teeth and gums.

It is also important to note that genetic predisposition can play a role. If your parents or grandparents had receding gum tissues, you could be at a higher risk of suffering from this problem. An unhealthy diet and lack of vitamin C can also lead to gum problems.

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The sustainable toothbrush. Our toothbrush combines elegant design with smart ergonomics. Soft bristles and light weight for gentle brushing.

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How is receding gums treated?

The treatment of gum recession depends on the severity of the problem and the underlying causes affecting oral health. In the early stages, such as mild gum recession, it may be sufficient to improve oral hygiene practices and address factors like hormonal changes that might be contributing to the condition. For those experiencing tooth sensitivity or bad breath associated with gum recession, specialized toothpastes and mouthwashes may be recommended.

In advanced cases, especially if gum pockets have developed or the jawbone is affected, professional treatment in a dental office may be necessary. This may involve surgical procedures like gum grafting, where tissue from the roof of the mouth or another part of the mouth is transplanted to the affected areas to rebuild the gums and cover the exposed tooth root(s). This procedure, known as a tissue graft, is a type of gum surgery that helps restore the natural gum line and protect the teeth from further damage. Another potential treatment is a deep cleaning process known as root planing, where the roots of the teeth under the gum line are cleaned to remove plaque and tartar.

Treatment may also include the use of special mouthwashes and toothpastes to help keep the gums healthy and reduce the build-up of plaque. ALPINE WHITE Anti-Plaque Toothpaste is ideal for this purpose, as it uses natural ingredients to effectively prevent plaque and tartar from sticking to your teeth. A professional teeth cleaning at our ALPINE WHITE studio is also important to remove plaque and tartar, which can contribute to gum inflammation such as gingivitis or even periodontal disease.

In severe cases where tooth loss has occurred, the dentist may recommend dentures such as implants, bridges, or dentures to replace the missing teeth and improve the function and appearance of your mouth. It is important to discuss these and other possible treatments with your dentist to determine the best course of action for your particular situation.

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Your solution for stubborn plaque. Whitening Toothpaste Anti Plaque is designed to remove plaque and whiten teeth at the same time. For daily gentle dental and oral hygiene.

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How can you prevent gum recession?

Preventing gum recession starts with good oral hygiene. Daily brushing with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, as well as regular flossing, can help remove plaque and tartar, which can lead to gingivitis and eventually gum recession. It is important to be gentle when brushing your teeth so as not to damage your gums. In addition, using mouthwashes can help reduce bacteria in the mouth and keep gums healthy.

A healthy diet rich in vitamin C and other important nutrients can also help keep gums healthy. Vitamin C is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and its role in collagen production, a protein that is important for healthy gums and teeth. In addition, avoiding sugary and acidic foods can help prevent cavities, which can contribute to gum recession.

It's also important for your gum and tooth health to have regular professional dental cleanings at our studio. Our experts of dentistry can spot the early signs of gum recession and prevent it with plaque and tartar removal. They can also recommend treatments to fix the problem before it becomes more serious.

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Optimal dental hygiene with ALPINE WHITE

Experience premium oral care from ALPINE WHITE! As mentioned in the previous section, regular professional dental cleanings and oral healthcheck-ups are a must to ensure the health of your mouth. At our ALPINE WHITE studios, we offer comprehensive dental cleanings that are ideal for preventing oral problems such as receding gums, as well as thorough oral healthcheck-ups. We also offer painless, efficient whitening for bright white teeth. Make your appointment today and feel the difference of ALPINE WHITE for a healthy and bright smile! Choose ALPINE WHITE for optimal dental health and a confident smile you can show off with pride.

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